Feeling unease
Relying too much on external things
To provide sense of security
Better stop and look within
Make sure your inner foundation is strong
If you continue to believe The outer world is keeping you safe You are giving your power away
So better watch out
For it may crumble
When we find it hard
To see our potential
The external world may fall
To give us an opportunity
To wake up
For once we hit rock bottom
There’s only one way
And up it is
When there’s no outer security We can finally see That our strength comes from within
We connect with our gifts
Activate our skills
And realize
They were always inside
But we were blinded
Lacked the trust
In us and our capabilities
This understanding
Creates the space
For the healing to take place
At last
We have faith in ourselves
Grounded in self love
We are safe to grow
When we are centered in our truth We will feel stable Secure Even in the eye of the storm
This is a poem from my upcoming poetry book "When She Rises".
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